I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Da Zhang (http://www.energyda.cn). My research interests include ultra-high resolution power system optimization modeling, multiple energy resource assessment, optimization theory, and the application of artificial intelligence in management sciences. I have developed several models, including the Energy-Resource Assessment Model (E-RAM), the Renewable Energy Siting and Power-system Optimization Model (RESPO, https://github.com/mrziheng/RESPO), the Integrated Sustainable Power-system Optimization Model series (including CISPO for China and GISPO for the whole world). I graduated from Renmin University of China (https://www.ruc.edu.cn) and received dual bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and computer science from the School of Information (http://info.ruc.edu.cn).


  • Power-system Modelling
  • Renewable Energy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Optimization Theory
  • PhD in Management Science and Engineering, 2025

    Tsinghua University

  • BSc in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, 2021

    Renmin University of China

  • BSc in Computer Science and Technology, 2021

    Renmin University of China