I am a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Da Zhang (http://www.energyda.cn). My research interest covers renewable energy resource assessment, power system modelling, climate change and application of machine learning in energy research. I have conducted several renewable energy resource assessment sub-projects leveraging my background in computer vision and machine learning and have been providing auxiliary support for model development of the team. I received my BSc in Applied Statistics and Master of Finance from Renmin University of China (https://www.ruc.edu.cn) and worked on corporate governance and climate financial risk at the School of Finance (http://sf.ruc.edu.cn/). In my free time, I enjoy cycling, reading non-fictions and translating nonsensical football news.
Master of Finance, 2025
Renmin University of China
BSc in Statistics, 2023
Renmin University of China